She will grow up knowing she is loved, treasured, and important to her daddy. I can't even imagine the woman our sweet daughter will grow up to be.
You aways take the time to play with her, teach her new words, read with her, make-believe with her (using your magic powers and pretending there is lava on the floor), swim with her, take care of her when she's sick and has to stay home, make her dinner, provide for her, take her to school in the mornings, put her to bed, play basketball with her, dance with her with the strobe light on (even though it's WAY past her bedtime), sing 80's songs to her, pray with her, slide down slides with her at the park, and the list goes on and on. (No joke- everyone who knows you knows that you go above and beyond)
Thanks Baby. That was sweet! Could have left out the NSYNC quote though, haha.
How sweet! What a gift it will be for your family to read this years later with your growing girl in front of you!